We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday (for real this time)

At first I thought my pillow was radioactive. Well, to be fair, I thought there might be some sort of glow-in-the-dark bug trapped beneath the pillow case. In any event, I threw it off my bed in the night and tried to forget about it. And in the morning, I dragged mom in to the bathroom, trapped us both in there with the lights off to show her. Nothing. But now I get it. Static electricity. We're like electric eels in here. I could power the city with my body and the carpet. And my skin. It's like sand paper. Anyway, I tell you all this to explain that it's a little dry here!

We woke up to a snowy wonderland. It snowed all the way back from Jasper last night, but apparently continued to snow all night. It's beautiful!

After the long day yesterday, we were content to just relax for the better part of the day. We walked to get coffee (and our improved Tim Bit order!), and then snuggled in to our hotel, where we watched some tv, colored, read etc. I finished my latest Louise Penny book, which meant I cried a little too. It's my newest reading obsession (Pat -- I just got Mom to start the first one!).

Then, we did a very Canadian thing, and went to an Oilers game! When in Rome, right? Roger's Place (the stadium) is a short walk from our hotel, and it seemed like a fun adventure! The Oilers are not in contention for the playoffs, being last in their division, and we may have seen why this evening. The first 10 minutes or so were great, and "we" were up 3-0, but ended up losing 3-7. It was still very fun. We had great seats, and it was fan night, so there was a lot of spirit in the stadium. 

The people in back of us arrived late, and tripped and dumped popcorn and beer on to us. I was digging popcorn out of my hair for a few minutes, and my travel partner was wet. Real wet. There was even a splash zone on the glass in front of her! The above photo was taken after that event, but before I realized that my Oilers flag was sopping wet. We held this up and got soaked all over again! We blended right in smelling a little bit like a mug of beer. ;)

And then we went to Joe's Place and drowned our sorrows about the game (or pretended to!), with loads of other fans. Really fun to do something local!

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