We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, March 26, 2018

Winter is No Joke

When planning for this trip, we specifically decided that Jasper National Park was too far for a day trip. So this morning what did we do? Piled in the car and headed out. These are the adventures that trips are made of.  And when packing for an impromptu adventure, always take your penguin/neck pillow.  

Jasper is 4 hours from Edmonton, give or take a few road stops. This is a trip that should have started earlier in the day, but...vacation is about whims, right? And who can road trip in Canada without a box of Tim Bits? We would like to perfect our order before we leave. Next time no filled ones or cruellers. More sprinkles. But I digress...

The road (Yellowhead Highway) between Edmonton and Jasper is straight, flat, and mostly without significant towns. We had lunch in Niton (map included for your amusement), in an old A&W that looked like it belonged in the Cars section of Disneyland. 

The road was straight and flat for HOURS. And then these babies popped out of the landscape.  Hello, Canadian Rockies!

The north end of the park offers breathtaking mountain views and clear glacier fed rivers. 

Since we arrived late, we were pushing it to drive to the south end of the park to the Columbia Icefields. So glad we did. You know how Crater Lake is beautiful and then when you peek over the side to the crater, you are speechless? This is what the Icefields were like. It was already gorgeous, but then... But then, it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.


There are four glaciers that come together to make up the Icefields. They are special because together they drain in to three separate oceans: Arctic, Pacific, and Atlantic. What an important water source for us!! (Eva - I think this is the lesson for Monday! Who knew?).  

We stopped at the Athabasca Glacier with the intent to take the trail to the edge of the glacier.  But Mother Nature had other plans. I have never been in weather that severe. We made it just past the interpretive sign and knew we had to turn back. In just a few minutes (5?), our faces were chapped, and I couldn’t feel all my fingers. It was dangerously cold. But also, just one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.  

After that we just took short hops out of the car for pictures until we got back to a normal weather pattern at a lower elevation. It took a little time to feel normal again. Even warmed, breathing was a little labored. Luckily I had my inhaler, but I cannot get the hang of the new spacing. Shot one spray squarely on my cheek!😂

And now we are driving back. It’s snowing, and darkish. But what an adventure we had.  You know it’s a good adventure when no one else is having it. That advice does not apply to restaurants...

While the driver is working her magic, I’m blogging, keeping the music going, reading all the road signs out loud at different decibels based on font size, keeping the snacks coming, and taking pictures of the penguin neck pillow like it’s Flat Stanley. I’m not sure if it’s actually helping her, but I’m enjoying myself. 😉

I can’t sign off without our usual T&L plea: #findyourpark. Even if it’s not in your own country. The world is full of beautiful places. ❤️